Friday, February 27, 2015

Exhibition of Howard Skrill's 'HMS Jersey' at St. Francis College's Callahan Center, March, 2015, Brooklyn Heights, NY

Please join us at an exhibition of my drawings from the Anna Pierrepont Series, on display at St. Francis College's Callahan Center, March 2015, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY.

Mike Grillo, who performs Revolutionary War Reenactments, will recite my essay 'HMS Jersey' at 6pm on Friday, March 6th, 2015.

Plying its deadly trade in Brooklyn Navy Yard's Wallabout Bay, the Jersey was a British Revolutionary War prison ship where American POWs were interred in miserable and deadly conditions during the extent of the Revolutionary War's seven years. Its pestilence ridden hulk, burned and gutted, remained in view for decades after the war's conclusion. Please pass the word around. The Jersey's tale should be told and Mike will tell it, as my drawings will survey its memory or lack thereof, in the public monuments that followed.

To read the companion essay, please cut and paste the following link in your browser:

I attach the ecard.